Caerus Texaco Drill Pad
Status: Complete
Data: DeBeque, Colorado; for Caerus, LLC and Colorado Oil and Gas Commission Corporation (COGCC): 2,000 cy from drill pad cuttings; treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation by first applying CHMX-104 and then 2-days later by applying CHMX microbes cultured on-site. Treated cuttings were then mixed by excavator, fed through a mechanical soil shredder, and then mixed and stacked by excavator; Treated Total TPH from 11,000 ppm to 210 ppm in 17 days.

Greenleaf Environmental Services, Mesa Disposal Facility Mud Pit A and B
Satus: Complete
Data: DeBeque, Colorado; for GES Mesa Facility: 6,567 cy treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX Microbes. Treated Total TPH from 20,200 ppm to <500 ppm in less than 60-days.

Greenleaf Environmental Services, Mesa Disposal Facility Pond 1:
Status: Complete
Data: DeBeque, Colorado; for GES Mesa Facility: 2,916 cy treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX-Microbes. Treated Total TPH from 8,917 ppm to <500 ppm in less than 30-days.

Greenleaf Environmental Services, Mesa Disposal Facility Mud Pit C
Satus: Complete
Data: DeBeque, Colorado: for GES Mesa Facility; 13,945 cy treated by Ex-situ and In-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX Microbes cultured on-site. Treated Total TPH from 18,435 ppm to <500 ppm in less than 90 days.

Weatherford Pipe Yard Houston Texas PAH’s:
Status: Complete
Data: Houston, Texas; for Brown and Caldwell, LLC and State of Texas RRC/CEQ: 22,455 cy soil and 65,000 gal wastewater (stormwater run-off) treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX Microbes cultured on-site. Reduced Total Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PNAs) from 339 ppm to 23 ppb including Benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) from 139 ppm to 8 ppb in 45-days.

McGrath Alaska, Jacobs Engineering and Alaska Department of Natural Resources :
Status: Complete
Data: McGrath, AK; for Jacobs Engineering and Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR): 1,350 cy placed in treatment cell. Treatment by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX Microbes cultured on-site. Treatment cell aerated twice. Reduced TPH-GRO from 17,310 ppm to <750 ppm in 62-days.
Haines Alaska, Northwind, Inc. and US Army Corp of Engineers (US-ACE):
Status: Complete
Data: Haines, Alaska; for Northwind, Inc. and US Army Corp of Engineers (US-ACE): 3,750 cy treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX microbes cultured on-site. Reduced TPH-DRO from 25,200 ppm to <250 ppm in 39-days.
Harlowton Montana, CARDNO, LLC and LDS Church:
Status: Complete
Data: Harlowtown, MT; for CARDNO, LLC and LDS Church: 421 cy treated by CHMX-104 low head injection via four (4) borings into a 2 ft. thick smear band from 13 to 15 ft. BGS surrounding the impacted groundwater well and installation of an upgradient permeable barrier containing fungus-laden woodchips interspersed in a mixture of CHMX media including activated carbon and clinoptilolite; SVOC Beta-BHC was reduced from 11 ppb to 1 ppb in 423 days.

Juneau Alaska, Tank Dismantling, Demolition and Remediation
Status: Complete
Data: Juneau, Alaska; for Trucano Construction, LLC (Project #1 - Thane Road Abandoned AJ Mine Tanks) and Lemon Creek Land Development, LLC (Project #2 - Juneau Ready Mix Abandoned Tanks). Both projects were closed in 42-days.
· Project #1 included dismantling and decontamination of two (2) – 1M gallon steel tanks with recovery of 50,000 gallons of bunker C fuel, BTU enhancement and combustion of 5,000 gallons of Bunker C fuel, and 10,000 gallons of waste Bunker C blended in woodwaste to create 350 cy of solid fuel shipped off-site. 865 tons of steel were removed, cleaned and shipped off site for recycling. 180,000 gallons of wastewater in the tanks was recovered, treated with CHMX-104 to reduce TPH-GRO from 6.2 ppm to <5 ppb and discharged into Gastineau Channel with Coast Guard approval. 3,800 cy of soil surrounding the tanks was treated by In-situ techniques to reduce contamination from 13,246 ppm TPH-DRO to <750 ppm TPH-DRO.
· Project #2 included the dismantling and decontamination of 64 large tanks (2,500 gal to 10,000 gal) including the recovery of 43,000 gallons of heavy product tar augmented with CHMX-301 to convert the tar to asphalt burner fuel and 1,546 tons of tar coated steel disposed in the local landfill. 235 smaller containers were also characterized and disposed in the local landfill. 12,600 gallons of wastewater was treated with CHMX-103 from 4.8 ppm to <5 ppb and discharged into Lemon Creek and Gastineau Channel Canal with Coast Guard approval. 3,600 cy of soil was excavated from under tank and container storage areas. Soil was treated with CHMX-104 from 12,208 ppm to <750 ppm and was disposed in the local landfill.
Encana Land Farm Wyoming:
Status: Complete
Data: Pinedale, WY; for Encana, LLC and State Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ): 34,600 cy treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX microbes cultured on-site. Reduced VOC-BETX from 2,480 ppm to < 50 ppb in 39-days.

Union Pacific Rail Road Tank Pit Serling, Colorado Insitu Jet Injection:
Status: Closed
Data: Sterling, Colorado; for Forrester Group and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR): 2,223 cy treated by In-situ Pressure Jet Injection of 1,219 gal of CHMX-104 at 5,000 psi via 11 borings into a smear band located in shallow aquifer from 8-15 ft. BGS; Treated TPH-GRO from 30.2 ppm to nd (0.001 ppm), benzene from 426 ppb to 80 ppb, ethylbenzene from 1,350 ppb to 260 ppb, and xylenes from 6,650 ppb to 1,300 ppb in 7-days.

DOD-MSDC South Fuel Depots and ADOT Petroleum Spill:
Status: Complete
Data: Delta Junction, Alaska; for ASTS/Sivuniiq, LLC; Department of Defense Missile Space and Defense Command (DOE-MSDC); and Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT): 28,390 cy (24,610 cy + 3,780 cy) treated by Ex-situ Chemically Enhanced Bioaugmentation using CHMX-104 and CHMX microbes cultured on-site. Reduced TPH-GRO from 12,265 ppm to 18.5 ppm in 45-days.